Our exhibitions

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The Gardens of the Museum

At Borderouge district

The Gardens of the Museum are a unique place in Toulouse. Around the Maourine pond and in the heart of the Borderouge district, the Gardens of the Museum constitute for all, young and old, enlightened amateurs or neophytes, a place of discovery and astonishment.

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Crédit : Charlotte Candido
Crédit : Charlotte Candido

The Botanical Garden

At Museum

Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the Henri Gaussen Botanical Garden has 3,500 species preserved over 5,000 m2, including 10 greenhouses.

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Our previous exhibitions

exposition Sex Appeal

Sex appeal, the scandalous life of nature

The intimate life of plants and animals exposed without taboo, in all its poetry, its fantasy, its ingenuity, but also in all its crudeness, even its violence.

exposition momies

Mummies, preserved bodies, eternal bodies

Whether natural or artificial, the mummies will be installed from 10/22/2022 to 07/02/2023 at the Toulouse Museum for an exceptional exhibition!

visuel expo arbres

Trees, a living exploration

Inaugurated in 2022, the Museum has chosen to address the theme of the tree through a temporary, light, fun and sensory installation, initially presented on two sites, in the city center and at the Jardins du Muséum in Borderouge.